I am also very familiar with NO.3 Xia Yu. Although he was not a good person at the beginning, he has changed a lot under the influence of Luffy. In the battle on the top, it was because of NO. Ace was released because of NO.3’s Wax ability. It was also because of NO.3 that Ace had the backbone to face death.

“Yo? Isn’t this Bucky? how? You guys are taking shelter here too!”Xia Yu hadn’t spoken yet. He saw Boni, who had just gone to inspect the ship with Katakuri, walked out of the ship.

“Pony?” How could the clown Bucky not know Pony? Back then, Pony, Luffy, Kidd and others were called the supernova of the sinful generation! At that time, Bucky was still hiding in the new world for fear of being caught. Which strong man would beat someone to death if they were unhappy!

“Aren’t you with that Xia Yu? Why are you here? Could it be… ah!! Could this person be Xia Yu?”Bucky immediately understood what was going on. Then he looked at the two men standing behind Pony. Although one of them was unknown to him, the other was Katakuri, the strongest of Bigmom’s three generals.

The Clown Bucky instantly understood. Although the man standing in front of him was not Straw Hat Luffy, he was a more terrifying existence than Straw Hat Luffy.

The legend about Xia Yu had never been heard in this sea. , it can be said that all pirates have heard of Xia Yu’s name, and even more know of Xia Yu’s powerful strength. Thinking of this, the clown Bucky’s legs began to tremble uncontrollably. Although his younger brother heard Xia Yu’s The name was also a surprise, but when they thought that their captain was Bucky the Clown, a man who even the red-haired Shanks didn’t dare to mess with, these people felt a lot more confident.

“What Xia Yu, boss, knock him down quickly!”

“Yes, our Baki boss has wanted to challenge you for a long time. Xia Yu, wake up!”

Bucky the Clown heard his men boasting about themselves without any restraint. Suddenly, Bucky’s whole body became stiff,”You idiots! No matter what, if a fight breaks out later, I will run away first.”Bucky thought in his heart, and his feet were still ready to escape.

“Yeah? Bucky?”Of course Xia Yu knows what Bucky is thinking now.

“No, no, of course Bucky didn’t mean that, three!”NO.3. He wasn’t familiar with Xia Yu and didn’t know what kind of person Xia Yu was, so he was afraid that Bucky would make Xia Yu angry, so he hurried over to smooth things over.

“Third brother, what are you doing? Is our boss still afraid of him? Whether it’s Xia Yu or the Straw Hat Boy, they are all weaklings in front of our Boss Bucky!”NO.3’s words immediately angered Bucky’s men. Although NO.3 hated Bucky bragging about his abilities in front of his men all day long, Bucky was his partner after all, and he still didn’t want to really anger Xia Yu.

“Forget it, Boss Bucky, how about I think about cooperation?”Although Xia Yu’s name has become popular outside, the real Xia Yu is not as vicious as the rumors say.

Although the clown Bucky likes to brag, this is not his fault for Xia Yu, and he is not lazy. Instead of going to expose him, Bucky the Clown went to the Haiguo headquarters, and Xia Yuxi came to lead the way from the Qiwuhai government. This can also save some energy.

You must know that to get to the Navy headquarters from here, you have to pass through the triple gate of the Navy. The gate is the largest in the world. If you want to forcefully break through these three gates, you must have a small amount of strength.

“Kids, shut up. Boss Xia Yu is my friend. Now I want to talk to Boss Xia Yu about something!”When Clown Bucky heard Xia Yu’s words, he knew that Xia Yu didn’t want to be his enemy, and his trembling heart felt relieved a lot.

“The world-famous suicider Xia Yu is actually our boss’s friend? God, why should I follow such a good boss!”

“Long live Bucky the Clown……”

Xia Yu brought the clown Bucky to his ship. Although Bucky knew in his heart that Xia Yu would not be his enemy, he was also frightened in his heart. Even the blackbeard Shanks couldn’t defeat a man like himself. In front of me, there is nothing more than an ant-like existence.

“Xia…Boss Xia Yu, what do you want from me?”Bucky’s voice trembled, and there were two drops of something that was not sure whether it was snot or sweat dripping from his red nose the size of a ping pong ball.

“Bucky, I gave you enough face just now. You know in your heart that I can defeat you with just a move of my fingers, right?”Xia Yu poured a glass of wine and placed it in front of Bucky.

“yes……”Bucky’s head turned red. Although he really didn’t want to admit this, in fact he couldn’t even hit Xia Yu with one finger.

Xia Yu pushed the wine glass in front of Bucky,”Since I have helped you, you must also help me. Aren’t you a Qibukai? Isn’t it difficult for you to take me to the navy headquarters?””

It turns out that Xia Yu wanted to use Bucky the Clown to bring him and others to the Navy Headquarters, so that he could appear unexpectedly at the Navy Headquarters and catch them off guard.

“Are you going to attack the naval headquarters?”Bucky broke out in a cold sweat. The person standing in front of him was definitely a madman. Where is the Navy Headquarters? Roger, the Golden Lion, and Whitebeard all have places where they can never come back!

“You don’t have to worry so much, if you don’t help me, I will kill you now!”Xia Yu said and stretched out his hand towards Bucky. A burst of fighting spirit radiated directly from Xia Yu’s hand and wrapped around Bucky’s body.

Bucky only felt that his body was imprisoned. Slowly , as Xia Yu’s fists slowly clenched, Bucky felt a feeling of suffocation, and Xia Yu actually grabbed his body out of thin air.

“I promise, I promise!”Baki quickly agreed to Xia Yu’s request.

“Anyway, I am going to the Navy Headquarters to report this time. As long as Xia Yu and others are hidden well, others will not be able to discover it. If Xia Yu can really overthrow the Navy Headquarters, then I can use Xia Yu’s reputation to become famous again. All over the world, haha! If Xia Yu fails, this matter has nothing to do with me!”Baki was thinking in his heart, with an evil smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

All this was seen by Xia Yu, but Xia Yu did not expose Bucky. As long as Bucky could successfully bring him to the navy headquarters, let him It didn’t matter if he took advantage.

As Xia Yu’s conversation with Bucky ended, the acid rain finally stopped, and Xia Yu was ready to park his ship here temporarily and take Bucky’s boat away.

Fei Lu reminded. You: Three things about reading-Collection

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