From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 919 Determination

There is a lot of garbage on the Congo River, and the rapid response boat cannot drive very fast in the dark...

Qiao Jia asked the captain. It might take 4 to 6 hours to meet up with the Gray Wolf and the others.

He and Qiao Liang lay on the back deck together, looked at the stars in the sky, drank beer and fell asleep.

That is to say, they all have witch medicine to isolate mosquitoes. Otherwise, they just sleep in an unobstructed place for 4 hours, which is equivalent to donating blood for free in Afika.


While Boss Qiao was sleeping, 'Si Ni' took Yehuhu and the ferryman to a village of the Mud Tribe.

The village of the Mudmen is located next to a narrow tributary of the Congo River. The village is built on an open space on the river bank...

At this time, a white man with one hand missing was tied to a large stone used for slaughtering livestock. There were several children covered in plaster surrounding him and observing him curiously.

When Yehuhu and the ferryman appeared, several clay warriors with spears rushed out of the village and stared at them warily with their spears raised.

It wasn't until a strong man from the Mud Tribe next to 'Silt' spoke that the warriors holding spears put down their weapons, and then let out an unknown shout of harmony...

Then these clay warriors spread their arms and bent over, imitating the movements of gorillas to make themselves look stronger. They took exaggerated steps and began to circle around Night Tiger and the ferryman.

'Silt' seemed a little nervous when he saw 'Comet'. He ripped off the lion's head epaulets from 'Comet''s arm and threw it to a young clay warrior. Then he raised his hands and spoke loudly in a language that others could not understand. Yelled a few words...

Then the warriors began to stamp their feet feverishly, as if they had taken stimulants.

The actions of the samurai outside the village attracted everyone in the village.

Together, men, women, old and young, there are probably more than a hundred people...

The customs of the Mudmen tribe are very strange. Their men are all hunters and warriors. They only have "underpants" made of some kind of dried fruit shells on their bodies, and the rest of the body is covered with thick mud.

They are willing to wear "underwear" not to hide their shame, but to protect relatively vulnerable parts.

Compared to these terrifying warriors who look like they come from the underworld, the women of the Mud Tribe are quite fashionable...

They were wearing clothes similar to tube tops and miniskirts. They were covered with a thin layer of plaster, and then some kind of paint was used to draw many gorgeous colorful patterns on the plaster.

The genes of animals in the jungle have a natural tendency to avoid such brilliant colors, because colors generally represent highly toxic substances.

This is a good way of self-defense for the women of the clay tribe who are engaged in collecting.

The women of the Mud Tribe are generally taller than the men. They are tall, tall and have long legs. They are really fashionable with this kind of dress...

Compared to these women, the men of the Clay Human Tribe look a little bit gray.

'Monkey' looked at these natives of the Clay Man Tribe. He touched the 'Black Panther' beside him and said, "I didn't expect them to be quite particular..."

'Black Panther' looked at a girl from the clay tribe, holding a vessel made of a nut shell in front of him...

He grinned, took it with both hands, took a sip, and then swallowed the sour-tasting liquid with a grimace.

Then the guy gave a thumbs up to the girl from the clay tribe without conscience, and then motioned to her to get some for his companions to try.

Seeing the weird looks on his captain and other companions' faces after drinking, the 'Black Panther' laughed and said: "It's so damn warm, I quite like it here..."

As he spoke, the 'Black Panther' touched a long-legged comrade beside him and said with a smile: "Grasshopper, do you feel uncomfortable?

You see, those natives don't even have to wear underpants, but they can find wives with such good figures. If you ask me, you should try it too, Hua Fei and his family are married..."

The 'grasshopper' pulled a blade of grass from the side and stuffed it into his mouth, trying to use the juice of the grass blade to dilute the sour taste in his mouth...

Hearing the teasing of the 'Black Panther', the 'Grasshopper' shook his head and said: "No, my father said that as long as he joins the army, the army will give him a wife, and our commander also said that he would introduce me to a wife...

I worked so hard for this all the time until now, and I'm just waiting for them to give me an explanation. "

The 'Black Panther' was choked by the 'Grasshopper', then shook his head helplessly and said: "Do you take it seriously when I say it's just a joke?"

As he spoke, the 'Black Panther' glanced at his captain 'Monkey', and he lowered his voice and said: "I have a hunch that we will probably stay in Afika for a long time this time...

You have to be careful. If you want to go back, you won't be able to participate in some things later.

You are the youngest here. You can go back to ask for a wife at the age of 38. After you become a father at the age of 40 and leave a wife for the family, you may still have the opportunity to watch your children grow up. "

After hearing this, 'Grasshopper' glanced at the white man who was unconscious on the stone slab. He frowned and said, "You have talked with frogs, eels, and buffaloes, right?

The captain has been very murderous recently. Is it because of the matter with the pharmaceutical company? "

As he spoke, 'Grasshopper' saw 'Black Panther' nod slightly, and he said with a serious expression: "We are brothers, of course I have to be the one to take revenge.

In fact, you are a soldier everywhere. At least there is a war in Afika. It is not interesting to go back and crawl around the base all day. "

The 'Black Panther' nodded seriously after listening and said: "The target this time is a multinational company. Once the work is done, we will either stay here for a few years and wait for the limelight to pass before we can go home, or we will have to transfer training when we go back. Team, we can’t go to the front line.

My age and that of others are almost there, and you are still a few years younger. You will still have the opportunity to go further when you go back.

You have to think clearly..."

‘Grasshopper’ patted his knees, waved his hands nonchalantly and said, “My knees are not working anymore, where can I go further?

Give me a level up and you will still have to recover and go home!

Vice-Team, from now on the best ones like the 'Rabbit Squad' will be the seeds, and there is no shortage of me in our team.

They are all brothers, they did it!

Wouldn’t it be better to stay in Afika for a few years? I’d love to! "

As he spoke, 'Grasshopper' smiled at a passing clay man girl, then touched 'Black Panther' and said, "I heard that Jackal boss is very open-minded. Maybe such a big boss can give me some advice." Wife or something.

I don’t have high requirements, just those Damazin hunting guides. I’ve seen a few of them in the town, and that one is the most beautiful..."

'Black Panther' looked at 'Grasshopper' who had an astonishing obsession with his 'superior's wife'. He shook his head and laughed, and said: "Then let the boss ask for you. Ordinarily private bosses should be open-minded in this regard." a little."

While the two of them were talking, the welcome event for the clay men was over...

Those enthusiastic Clay Folk girls did not leave, but gathered together as if waiting for something...

"Silt" talked to the leader of the village for a while, then walked over to the white prisoner to check, and finally nodded...

‘Monkey’ walked to ‘Comet’ and said, “What are they doing?”

‘Comet’ shrugged his shoulders and said, “How did I know?”

As he said "Comet", he saw a strong man from the clay man tribe walking up to the white prisoner with a stone ax and raising the stone ax with both hands...


‘Comet’ raised his hands anxiously and shouted: “Wait a minute, we need survivors…

‘Milt’, our boss told us to keep as many people alive as possible. He will take these people to the African Union headquarters.

Otherwise, we won’t be able to get authorization and it will be difficult for us to carry out subsequent actions..."

'Silt' rolled his strange eyes and said in a deep voice: "I know that even if that guy loses one leg, he won't be able to kill anyone.

This guy killed two people from the Mud Tribe. Originally, they wanted to cut this guy into pieces, but now they can only chop off one of his hands and one leg.

This is the bottom line, you have to respect their traditions!

If you are worried, ask the medical soldiers to prepare to stop his bleeding..."

When "Silt" was talking, the strong man from the mud tribe grinned and roared, swinging a stone ax to chop at the knees of the white captive.

The stone ax is not sharp, but it is heavy enough...

The first blow of the squeaky ax shattered the captive's knees, and then the captive opened his eyes and let out a piercing scream as if he had been burned with a soldering iron...

Looking down at his twisted knees, the blood vessels in this guy's neck twisted like little snakes, and he roared loudly: "Come on, kill me if you want, and you will all die..."

The strong man from the Mud Tribe ignored this guy's cries at all. He used a stone ax to remove the captive's lower legs...

Then the cruel man raised the chopped off calf, dipped his finger in blood and smeared a blood mark on his chest.

Then he came up to the frantic prisoner, and shouted at him face to face, which frightened him so much that he lay back.

When 'Comet' saw this situation, he helplessly motioned to the medics on his team to stop the guy's bleeding and treat the wound.

When the white captive saw people from the "civilized world" coming, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly with tears streaming down his face: "Save me, save me, I am a volunteer of the International Red Cross, and I am here. Delivering medicine to these indigenous people, but they...

Help me, help me..."

‘Comet’ walked to the prisoner and squatted down...

Seeing the thick plaster smeared on the prisoner's severed wrist, 'Comet' reached out and wiped the prisoner's forehead, and said to the medical soldier: "Give him some morphine and antibiotics, don't let him die... …”

'Comet''s words gave the prisoner a glimmer of hope, and he shouted loudly: "Take me out of here, please, take me out of here, these damn natives are all lunatics..."

After hearing this, ‘Comet’ patted the prisoner’s face and said with a smile: “No one is sick here, what kind of medicine are you here to deliver?

Are you also surprised that the virus you released has no effect on the Mudmen? "

Upon hearing this, the prisoner's eyes widened instantly, and then he looked at the 'Comet' with terrible scars on his face in horror and said, "Who are you?"

‘Monkey’ slowly walked up to the prisoner, looked down into his eyes, and said, “I’ve seen you, do you remember Guinea?

We passed each other in a village in Guinea. At that time, you were carrying a silver suitcase, and there was another person next to you, with green eyes, one ear, and a finger missing from his left hand...

You also said that you were volunteers of the International Red Cross, and you also wished me success..."

As he said this, the 'monkey' grabbed the prisoner's ears and brought his head closer to him, and then said in a cold tone: "I saw that guy again, he is on his way to rescue you...

You have a blood debt on your body...

Chinese doctors, French doctors, my comrades-in-arms, and thousands of innocent civilians...

The debt must be paid! "

Because the medical soldiers habitually injected morphine before the operation, the prisoner no longer felt any pain.

Hearing the words of 'Monkey', he first widened his eyes in surprise, and then suddenly laughed and said: "You are that Chinese airborne soldier, hahaha...

What can you do?

Are you the only ones who want to kill 'Basakya'? "

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