From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 906 First experience with F14

Chapter 906 F-14 First Experience

‘Cobra’ and ‘Archerfish’ have wanted to make Boss Joe a pilot for more than a day or two.

In their hearts, they would rather watch Boss Qiao sitting on the plane than watching Boss Qiao running on the ground, especially in Afika, a place where the air defense force is close to zero.

Qiao Jia can drive the Super Tucano, but he doesn't show any enthusiasm. Now that a new big toy has arrived, 'Cobra' thinks he should try it. What if the boss likes something more powerful?

When Qiao Jia faced the invitations from the two old men, he refused in his heart.

But when several pilots trained by the Chinese government stood there and looked at him curiously, Boss Qiao didn't know what to think, so he agreed...

Looking at the slowly opening hangar and the handsome friendless F-14 Tomcat inside, Qiao Jia waved his hands grandly and said, "In that case, hang up two Raptor 2 missiles.

I hope they won’t pee their pants in fear..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia took the initiative to run to the warehouse, put away the fatal nuclear bomb when no one was paying attention, and then printed a solid missile shell and put it back in its place.

It takes enough time for the plug-in to replicate a Raptor 2. Now Qiaojia can only make do with a shell, and then replace it after new missiles are manufactured.

Frankly speaking, Boss Qiao is yearning for the F-14, because the movie "Top Gun" is so famous, and the F-14's variable wings are really cool. Why not try it if you have the chance...

After getting rid of the worry sent by Aaron, Qiao Jia took the initiative to help send the two Raptor 2s to the hangar using a loading truck.

Leaving the job of installing the missile to professional ground crew, Qiao Jia looked at the 'wrench' next to him responsible for pressurizing the engine, pointed at the Sidewinder missile on the wing, and said, "What's the use of that thing?"

‘Wrench’ said with a smile: “This is Cobra’s request. He said that the plane would look more handsome, and he required that all P.B. fighter jets must carry two combat bombs before taking off.

Boss, the lesson learned by the Turks happened not long ago..."

He said "wrench" and pointed at the red safety on the front end of the Sidewinder missile, and said with a smile: "Remember to pull off the safety before taking off. Having them is like carrying a gun when going out, which will provide you with a sufficient sense of security."

Qiao Jia habitually turned on the plug-in scan and confirmed that the aircraft was in good condition. Then when he wanted to climb up the ladder to take a closer look at the aircraft, the 'Cobra' had already changed into its anti-German suit and came over...

The old guy unceremoniously stuffed the Dutch-resistant suit into Qiao Jia's arms and said with a smile: "Boss, put on the horns. They are not in a hurry. We can play in the sky for a while longer."

Qiao Jia subconsciously took over the anti-Dutch suit, and then heard the sound of aircraft engines on the runway outside. He couldn't help but ran out and took a look, and found two Su-27s carrying aerial bombs and air-to-air missiles. Warming up on the track.

"What are they doing?"

Qiao Jia couldn't help but turn around and said: "Su-27 is very expensive to refuel!"

The old fat man 'Archerfish' walked up to Qiao Jia, took his arm and pushed him toward the nose of the Tomcat, and said: "The mission of bombing the rebel stronghold was originally carried out by them. Since you have Here comes the good stuff, of course it’s up to you to try it.

They will serve as escort aircraft, and at the same time prevent you from making mistakes during bombing and missing the target.

Change your clothes quickly, it’s very easy to fly the F-14..."

Qiao Shen took a deep breath and said helplessly: "I'll change right away, but I'm just a rookie. You guys are doing such a difficult job for me, aren't you looking down on me a little too much?"

‘Archerfish’ said in disgust: “Our two F-14s are both training aircraft, and with the ‘Cobra’ here, you can’t go wrong.

If I weren't too fat and couldn't squeeze into the cockpit of the F-14, I should be the one accompanying you on your first flight. I would be the real flight instructor. "

Qiao Jia was helplessly pushed to change clothes, and then pushed into the front cockpit of the F-14...

When the ground crew installed the missile and used an electric vehicle to drag the F-14 out of the hangar, the two Su-27s boosted their power at the same time and began to take off from the same point.

When they climbed to an altitude of 3,000 meters, they began to pull away from each other and began to circle and guard on both sides of the base.

Qiao Jia sat in the slightly cramped cockpit, looked at the complicated buttons in front of him, took a deep breath and pressed the ignition button...

Cube Company's modifications to the aircraft mainly focused on the radar system and electronic system, but the flight control system did not change much.

Qiao Jia tentatively held the throttle valve on the left hand side, and under the guidance of the 'Cobra' behind him, he got familiar with the buttons for controlling the flaps, and then pushed the variable wing controller that he had longed for...

The wings of the F-14 are spread obediently, which can provide enough lift for the aircraft to take off at relatively low speeds.

Qiao Jia turned his head and watched the big toy under the seat spread its wings obediently. He said slightly excitedly: "'Cobra', it seems that it is not difficult at all. Why do I think there is no need for so many buttons?"

‘Cobra’ leaned on his seat and said with a smile: “Because many of the functions of these buttons are repeated, in order to prevent certain buttons from malfunctioning at certain times.

Fly with confidence. Cube Company has done a great job in modifying this aircraft. The front-end radar and fire control system are very advanced. They even installed an automatic landing function, just to keep the aircraft safe when both students and instructors lose consciousness. of falling to the ground.

We have repeatedly checked the status of the aircraft to ensure it is safe! "

"Under what circumstances would both the student and the instructor lose consciousness?"

Qiao Jia said carefully: "Don't scare me, I can do it for the first time. I really can't do it too much, otherwise I will never get on the plane next time."

‘Cobra’ patted the backrest of the front seat and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, our anti-German suit is very advanced, and the F-14 is not capable of making me faint.

I am over seventy and can hold on, so you will definitely be fine! "

As he said 'Cobra', he saw the ground crew in front making a gesture. He reached out and patted Qiao Jia on the shoulder and said: "The runway inspection is completed. Do you still remember how the Toucan took off? The F-14 is similar. …

let's start……"

Qiao Jia was not irritable. He patiently checked the seat belt and the status of the plane. After confirming that there was no problem, he took a deep breath and put on the oxygen mask...

Holding the throttle with your left hand and slowly pushing it forward, you instantly felt the surging power...

The F-14 sprinted for nearly 1 kilometer on the runway. When Qiao Jia felt that the power was completely enough, he gently pulled the control stick, and the nose of the aircraft instantly raised at an angle and shot into the sky.

Qiao Jia felt that in addition to the obvious shaking of the fuselage when taking off, after the plane leveled off at an altitude of 6,000 meters, the entire fuselage became very stable.

The feedback from the joystick is very clear, and the aircraft's built-in stabilization system has the function of assisting the pilot in stabilizing the fuselage.

And because he was at high altitude, with no obvious reference objects around him, his sense of speed was a little misplaced, and Qiao Jia did not feel the slightest danger.

Qiao Jia tried a wide range of steering, climbing, and diving at high altitude, and then said a little excitedly: "It's easy to control..."

The 'Cobra' behind smiled and said: "Don't move, I will take over the control of the aircraft, you can feel it..."

Qiao Jia honestly raised his hand to signal that he had given up control. Then he saw the wings of the plane retracting backwards, and then he clearly felt that the plane began to increase power.

'Cobra' wanted to make Boss Qiao like flying. He did not do any particularly dangerous moves, but improved the performance of the F-14 and began to climb at a high elevation angle...

When the plane reached a certain altitude and leveled off, a Su-27 suddenly appeared in front of the nose and took the initiative to become a target aircraft.

The opponent did not make too violent maneuvers, but kept using pendulum maneuvers to prevent itself from being locked. Then when Qiao Jia slightly adapted to the rhythm of the aircraft's shaking, the Su-27 suddenly increased its power and turned sharply, seeming to want to Seize the six o'clock position.

Then came what surprised Qiao Jia. The F-14 was under the control of the Cobra. The air intake of the left engine was suddenly controlled. The sudden disappearance of the engine power combined with the control of the flaps caused the F-14 to make a similar move. The drifting action actually grabbed the six o'clock position again with a smaller turning radius.

The huge load brought about by this move made Qiao Jia's good body feel uncomfortable.

The 'Cobra' behind seemed to be aware of Qiao Jia's condition, and he said with a smile: "I'm here for now, and then you will take over. You can try again.

Don't always look at those instruments, it's of no use to you. See with your eyes and feel with your body. "

The discomfort at that moment did not scare Qiao Jia...

There was an ace sitting behind him and a plug-in watching the situation of the plane, which gave Qiao Jia a sufficient sense of security.

Now he feels like he just got off a roller coaster. It's very exciting and he wants to do it again.

It's a pity that 'Cobra' doesn't seem to want to teach him too complicated flight control methods. Qiao Jia can't make a small-radius drift turn just now.

He could only climb harder, level off when he felt uncomfortable, and then tried a wide range of turns. He still didn't dare to try other actions...

But this is enough for a novice jet fighter. Other pilots have to go through a long period of learning before getting on the plane, but he is flying alone with the assistance of an ace. This progress is already very fast. .

Boss Qiao is not a greedy person. After playing for a while, he checked the left side of the Horns and the others, turned on the radio, and said: "I am Jackal, let's go on a mission..."

Not a minute after Qiao Jia finished speaking, two Su-27s flew to both sides of the F-14 from two directions...

The two Chinese pilots waved hello, gave a thumbs up to show that Boss Qiao had flown well before, and then slowly retreated to the wingman position...

Qiao Jia looked at the movements of the two planes and suddenly felt a little high-spirited...

He took the initiative to turn on the F-14's attack system. When the three indicator lights in front lit up and the missile was activated, Qiao Jia turned on the radio and started calling loudly...

"Horns, prepare to indicate the target position. I'm coming with a big bomb, big, big..."


‘Niujiao’ was wearing a ghillie suit and squatting on a tree, using binoculars to observe the rebel camp in the distance...

After hearing Boss Qiao’s shouting, ‘Niujiao’ took off his earphones and buttoned his ears, then put them on again and said, “Did you hear that…

My heart is beating so hard now, I have never been so scared when I saw my girlfriend..."

The nearby 'water ghost' complained in disgust: "Wake up, you don't have a girlfriend at all!"

When 'Niujiao' heard this, he said seriously: "You are an idiot, the unknown is the scariest thing...

Aren't you afraid that the boss himself flies a plane to drop bombs? "

The 'Iceman', who had already run several hundred meters to the outside, said helplessly: "If I were you, I would just move my feet...

The big bomb the boss said must be big! "

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