From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 806 Good Fighter

While the outside world was busy, Boss Qiao was not affected too much.

He declined requests from Central Africa and the Congo to send troops. Their troops going to Syria will only cause chaos.

Now Boss Qiao pretends not to see the "treachery" of Lao America, and puts on a bellicose attitude, posting updates at regular times every day, provoking Isis people.

15 days!

Boss Qiao and the others have been trapped in the village for 15 days!

The Isis people did not even launch a probing attack. They just conducted a probing test about 10 kilometers away from the village.

When P.B.'s F-16s arrive, their men will quickly evacuate or hide in place.

Everyone understands that Isis is testing the dispatch time of P.B.'s F-16s. It wants to master their dispatch patterns in a targeted manner, and then use that set of short-range air defense missiles that are still useful. Take down the fighter jet.

These people simply don't understand that there is no point in what they do.

'Cobra' and 'Archer' are not afraid of the so-called anti-aircraft missiles at all, because they can't even 'see' the unmanned airships in the sky...

It's definitely a bit too much to say that thing is trash, but in terms of threat, it only scores 50 points, which is still ten points short of passing the grade.

The unmanned airship has already locked the position of the anti-aircraft missile. It is not difficult to use F-16 penetration bombing or special forces to sneak in and destroy it.

Qiao Jia just wanted to see what Isis could come up with...

Of course, the intelligence agencies of the United States, Britain and France can receive information, and Qiao Jia can also receive it.

He now wished that all his enemies would gather around him and give him a chance to deal with them all at once.

The flat terrain of northeastern Syria is an advantage for any team with aircraft and artillery.

Qiao Jia is determined to fight a real war here. The more time he has to prepare, the better the final result will be.

In the past week, every day, F-16s would cover a C-130 that broke into Syrian airspace and carried out high-altitude airdrops of supplies to villages.

Boss Qiao and the others haven't fired a single shot so far, but there are more and more arms and logistical supplies.

Sanders and the others were almost healed of their minor injuries, and Isis' people did not show up.

In this case, Isis wanted to have fun, so Qiao Jia just let them do it. Anyway, the longer they took it off, the more people they would lose.

Fifteen days have passed, and even though those guys are clamoring on social networks every day, people's attitude towards them is getting colder and colder, and those who support them around the world are starting to make strange voices.

There are thousands of you, but you don’t dare to fight?

The people of Isis are still suffering because there are five 155mm Nora self-propelled artillery parked on the border of Iraq, surrounded by 300 "Sea Dog" mercenaries stationed around them.

And there are 4 Black Hawk helicopters on standby there, ready to break into Syria to support Boss Joe and the others.

These Nora self-propelled artillery guns transferred from Mosul have a range of 45 kilometers. They use guided artillery shells delivered by the United States, which just brings the 5 kilometers around the village into the strike range.

How to fight this? Large troops cannot enter, but small troops still need to coordinate, especially with the mercenaries who come to help.

The mercenaries were not well-informed, and Isis deliberately concealed the news that P·B had cannons.

They planned to wait for the mercenaries to gather enough 2,000 people, and when their artillery was in place, they would cover the mercenaries and go into battle.

But not all mercenaries are willing to obey Isis's command...


When Qiao Jia was in video contact with Nice that day, war reporter Wallace rushed into his room carrying a camera.

"Sir, the command center in the rear sent a message that enemies are coming..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, stood up and rubbed his hands and said, "How many people are there on the other side?"

Wallace smiled and raised two fingers and said: "200 people, they divided into small groups and went around to the direction of Iraq, approaching us from the grassland."

When Qiao Jia heard this, he said in disbelief: "Infantry? Are these people so anxious to die?"

Wallace smiled and spread his hands and said: "Sir, I don't know, maybe they are a mercenary team that wants to make a name for themselves.

They will probably arrive at the outskirts of the village at night. The people in the command center have been tracking them. Everyone is waiting for your order...

Do we eliminate them from a distance, or do we bring them in and fight them? "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said decisively: "Of course we let them in to fight. We finally set up the mortars, so we have to give them a try first.

I have to see what this gang is, 200 people? They look down on me a little too much..."

Wallace listened, nodded seriously and said: "The tracking effect of the unmanned airship will be better at night. These people don't know what's going on. It seems they don't know that we have an unmanned airship..."

Qiao Jia nodded slightly and said: "If I were a terrorist, I would not tell this matter to anyone else. Where can I find so much cheap cannon fodder?"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia turned around and said goodbye to Nice on the video call, and then said with a smile: "I like this situation. The more 'ignorant' the enemy is, the greater our advantage.

The idiots in Isis are still waiting for the artillery to arrive. They have no idea that I actually sold them that thing.

Two million old-fashioned 122mm caliber artillery and 20,000 rounds of artillery shells. These people emptied their old resources and only managed to get together ten artillery pieces and 200 rounds of artillery shells. "

When Wallace heard this, he was shocked and said, "Did you sell it to them?"

Qiao Jia nodded and said with a smile: "Don't forget, I am actually an arms dealer.

Just because I insisted on doing legitimate business in the past does not mean that I do not understand the operating modes of these black areas.

A Georgian arms dealer was supplying Isis. He was looking for sources of artillery all over the world. I heard the news, so I supplied it to him. "

After hearing this, Wallace said in disbelief: "You supply them with cannons, and then what?"

Qiao Jia smiled, spread his hands, and said: "Then when the Isis people feel that they are almost ready and start launching a formal attack, a few aerial bombs will accurately find them."

"It's that simple?"

Qiao Jia looked at Wallace who looked shocked and said with a smile: "How difficult could it be otherwise?

I do not lack courage, but I am not stupid either. I would not stick to this unlucky place without sufficient preparation.

I have T1 special forces from the United States, Britain, and Russia here. If things really go wrong, I will send them out to guide the bombing. "

Wallace was completely stunned after hearing this, and he asked curiously: "Then why didn't you do this before?"

Qiao Jia said with a cold expression: "Because I have a Pentagon contract in my hand, and I want to hold back the Isis people.

I can’t tell you the specific reason, and don’t ask…”

After hearing this, Wallace frowned and said, "You mean the anomalies in the US military are due to some kind of external pressure?"

Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "I can't say that I have no requirements for the movements of the US military. The only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is the Kurds.

In order to be consistent with the United States, they actually chose to stand still and allow Isis to wreak havoc in northeastern Syria. This approach is simply ignorant! "

Qiao Jia looked at Wallace, whose expression was slightly twitching, and said with a smile: "Help me spread the word about this situation..."

For the so-called founding of the country, these people cling firmly to the lap of the United States and cannot even take care of their own people.

What is the point of founding a country with such people? "

Wallace, who is very politically sensitive, widened his eyes and said, "You want to help the Syrian government?"

Qiao Jia nodded with a smile and said: "That doctor president is actually a pretty good person, and it is also his credit that the safe zone was successfully recognized.

However, helping the Syrian government relieve pressure is only one aspect. What I want more is for Iraq to maintain stability.

The political environment of the Iraqi Kurdish Autonomous Region is actually not bad, but they are affected by Turkish extremist organizations and the Syrian Kurds. Once they demand independence, there will be civil strife in Iraq.

I have too much business in Iraq and I need a stable environment there. "

The content contained in Qiao Jia's few simple sentences made Wallace extremely horrified...

He has always felt that Boss Qiao is an excellent leader and a passionate mercenary boss...

But now he realizes that he is still too naive!

When the eyes of the whole world were focused here, Boss Qiao just took advantage of the public opinion and made the efforts of the Syrian Kurds over the past years come to nothing.


If you can't even protect your own compatriots, how can you talk about building a country?

As the prestige of the Syrian Kurds declines, the situation in Syria will also improve. As long as Isis is dispersed, humanitarian channels can smoothly extend into Syria.

This is economic benefit!

Once the Syrian Kurds are targeted, their influence over the Iraqi Kurds will dissipate.

The Kurds in Turkey who have been beaten to pieces do not have enough influence to push the Iraqi Kurds to turn against the Iraqi government.

Taking advantage of this situation to disgrace the Syrian Kurds can stabilize the internal conditions of the two countries, and allow P·B to gain huge economic benefits and political influence.

"He who is good at fighting has no great achievements!"

Wallace could only think of this sentence...

Qiao Jia looked at Wallace who suddenly understood, he smiled and said: "Man, I treat you as one of my own.

Don’t report the ‘business’ matters to me. You can report everything else as you like.

I believe you can understand me, because what I pursue is always win-win cooperation...

In fact, what I hope more is that the Kurds will wake up and join hands with me to fight Isis.

If they want, there is no chance that they can negotiate to establish an autonomous Kurdish region in Syria.

We all know that the Kurds are the urinals for the United States and Russia to check and balance the Middle East, and statehood is just a beautiful fantasy.

As long as they can choose to be pragmatic, it is not impossible to improve the situation of the Kurds!

Syria and Iraq are fucked up, why can't everyone sit down and talk calmly? "

After hearing this, Wallace nodded with emotion and said: "Break their dream of nationhood, and then let them sit at the negotiating table...

Jackal, what's your bargaining chip? "

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "Peace, development, hope, fist...

As long as I can throw a beautiful combination of punches here, I can get enough say!

When the time comes, let’s just have a fight. Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to live a good life and get rich at the same time? "

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