Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1579 The whole story

By this time, another four days had passed.

Seeing that Isaac has completed the eighth level of Chaos Rune, the enslavement of Eltaba is nearing its completion.

However... Ingrid and the Three Gods Church still failed to wait for news from the Golden Dragon King's Court.

Instead, it was Isaac who received a somewhat unexpected message.

"Your Majesty, an unknown incident occurred in the Black Staff Tower, and the tower body cracked."

It was a summons from the Kingdom Intelligence Bureau.

This news made Isaac frown.

As the "Chaos Double Burning Ceremony" was coming to an end, it was also the end of the Moon of Rotted Leaves, and there were only a few days away from the "Moon Banquet Festival" that he had estimated.

Regardless of whether his estimate was accurate or not, at this time, Kelben had prepared everything and was just waiting to start the infinite ceremony.

But at this juncture, the Black Stick Tower suddenly broke down...

"Is it an accident?"

"Or...someone has noticed the situation and wants to prevent Kelben from rebuilding the Maiyeli Tower?"

After pondering for a while in his heart, Isaac slowly suppressed this thought.

Not urgent.

Taking down Eltaba first is the most important thing.

As for Kelben...

Even if someone is aware of the situation, it is not easy to stop Kelben.

Over in Waterdeep City, the Blackstaff Tower is a weak spot.

Moreover, since Kelben was preparing for the Infinite Ritual, he had already made an agreement with a series of people.

Even among these people, such as Minnis, Alustriel, and Xinbu, they may not be able to escape at any time. After all, whether it is Cormanthor and the Valley, or the Silver Moon Alliance and Aglaron, they are all facing There are many threats, and even in the midst of a fierce war, but at this time, Kelben is definitely not lacking in firm and powerful allies!

"Those Saren spirits related to Mayelita will be his most powerful help!"

By now, Isaac already knew that among the Saren spirits transformed by Mai Yeli Tower's survivors, there were three of them, who were revered as "Guardians of the Country" during the Mai Yeli Tower era.

These three elders, Sarun, are probably even more powerful than Kelben.

In particular, Saren spirits have both a mage level and a priest level, and they can even use arcane and divine spells at the same time.

This kind of extraordinary power is the reason why they were able to suppress the Phayling Demon Sunflower in its heyday and seal the Phayling Demon Sunflower as a whole with the Wall of Saron!

With the help of these Saren spirits, Kelben's plan is unlikely to be sabotaged by others!


"Ignore this."

"Just waiting for the news from Kelben."

Isaac then calmed down and continued to be patient.

The eighth-level chaos runes have been superimposed on Eltaba. Tomorrow, he can complete the ninth-level superposition. The complete enslavement of Eltaba will be completed after the ninth-level runes are superimposed. 24 hours after completion.

In other words, it’s less than two full days until the job is done!

At this juncture, nothing is more important than this!

However, it was Isaac who suppressed all distracting thoughts.

Not long after, another message came: "Your Majesty, before the Moon Banquet Festival, I am waiting for your arrival in Waterdeep City."

It's Lyra-Silverhand's summons!

There was indeed no problem with the plan.

As expected, it was the Moon Banquet Festival.


Isaac's thoughts moved and a reply message was sent over.

And it was on his side that the time for the infinite ceremony was truly determined.

On the other side, in the Galena Mountains.

"Now is not the time for revenge."

"There is no guarantee of keeping him alive. Taking action now will only trigger another dragon civil war, which will completely interrupt our plan to recuperate."

Above a small meeting of some core members of the Golden Dragon Council.

Protarnes denied the idea of ​​a radical faction.

As the former King of Justice, his prestige in the Golden Dragon Council is not inferior to that of the current Tamarande. His veto almost means that everything has been settled.

Although he had a deep friendship with Larendra Magar that lasted for more than a thousand years, he still chose to be patient!

The metal dragon must rest and recuperate.

Not only because the losses in the Year of Dragon Madness were too heavy, but also because in the past year, they have found a large number of dragon eggs according to the divine revelation, and they are incubating them intensively!

At this time, if a war breaks out again between the metal dragons and the five-color dragons, the hatching of these dragon eggs may not go smoothly!

This is something related to Metal Dragon's future plans.

Therefore, no matter how much he hates that person, as long as he is not sure of keeping that person completely, he must endure it!

And now...he is really not sure!

Although he has never had any contact with King Red, he has gained a considerable understanding of King Red's power through some methods.

Among them, Lalendra Magar is his main channel of understanding!

Although Larendra Magar died, as a chosen one of the Dragon Goddess, Larendra Magar's soul directly entered the Dragon Goddess's kingdom after his death.

Protarnes certainly had the means to get in touch with his old friend.

From this, he naturally has no shortage of understanding of King Red's power.

This green dragon has actually mastered a kind of "deified" ability, and can master magical power within a period of time!

With this ability, this green dragon can transform into three, and the clone has perfectly inherited his magical ability!

This is too... to say terrifying!

With the current power of the Golden Dragon Court, it is difficult for Protarnes to have any confidence that he can overwhelm this person, let alone completely eliminate him.

Therefore, he must endure it, and he can only endure it!

"It's really not time for the eternal war to be unveiled again."

"This is not the time for the civil war with the five-color dragon to break out."


The current King of Justice, Tamarande, supported Protarnes' words, but said: "If Eltaba is enslaved by this man, it will be even harder to eradicate this trouble!"

The reason why he wanted to convene this core meeting was precisely for this reason!

The King of the North Wind has already called on the metal dragon to attack the five-color dragon.

Although he had to temporarily suppress it due to the situation, he still held a hostile attitude toward the Five Color Dragons, especially the leader of the Five Color Dragons.

It was precisely because of this that he was particularly concerned about this enslaver of Eltaba.

He didn't want to see an abyss lord suddenly appear under the command of his destined enemy!

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